Principal's Message
Principal's Message
As the new principal of CCC Kei To secondary school, I am honored to join this big family. Kei To has a long-standing tradition of excellence in education, and I am committed to building on this strong foundation.
What makes education precious is that where there are difficulties and disappointments, there are always hopes and opportunities for improvement.
Education is a profession of long term commitment rather than utilitarian considerations. The greatest joy is to see students grow and develop.
CCC Kei To Secondary School has always attached the greatest importance to students’ learning. To ensure students’ Through train whole-person development, our team strives hard to formulate comprehensive policies through careful planning, implementing and evaluating programmes and school curriculum which benefit students’ learning. By creating student-centered studying environment, together with Christian upbringing, we aim to equip our younger generation with the necessary skills and knowledge; nurture them with proper values; promote a positive outlook on life in order to provide opportunities for every individual student to develop their potential to the full, as well as to contribute to the well-being of our society.
To bring our objectives to fruition and to provide quality education, the school is responsible for the formulation of policies to cater for learners’ diverse needs and abilities to make our school a place where stakeholders can enjoy learning and excel themselves.
Children may not care how much we teach but they should feel how much we care about them. If children cannot learn the way we teach, we teach them the way they learn.
School leaders are responsible for raising team members’ awareness of the vision and mission of the school, and forging links among different stakeholders, from teachers to parents, to promote excellent education.
The most important character of a teacher is a heart to serve students. We believe only practicing and devoted teachers can enhance students’ development and ensure high quality education.
No two schools are exactly the same under the challenges of this new millennium. There is thus no magic formula for all schools. Uniformity is neither possible nor necessary. We believe the Holy Spirit will show us the tailor-made approach catering for the uniqueness of our school.
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. (Proverbs 9:10)
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6)
Yung Kong Sing
1. 學生或不在意我們懂多少、教多少,但一定在意我們關懷他們多少。
2. 學生或不能依我們的方法學習,我們便依他們學習的方法去教他們。
1. 推動教師成為知識的傳授者、協調者、學習環境的設計者,蔚成風氣,感染學生及家長。
1. 具備僕人的服務心態,才是老師最應有的本質。
2. 為師是要為學生而非為個人,良師非關個人能力,而是服務精神,可為學生作出多少貢獻。
各校各有特色,惟行之百世而不朽、放諸四海而皆準的教育本義,在於「敬畏耶和華是智慧的開端,認識至聖者便是聰明。」(箴言9:10)及「教養孩童,使他走當行的道,就是到老他也不偏離。」 (箴言22:6)的人格完成。
翁港成 校長